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Nov 28, 2011 09:00

I can't believe its been a week since Thought Bubble already. I've spent the whole week wondering why its night time all of a sudden. but yeh, I wanted to tell you all how awesome it was.

I went with Sarah, Lily and Shaz from Inspired. We took all our old anthologies and our new Science Fiction Octuple Feature.

And I saw Ink+Paper for the first time in print. its really awesome. I love how it feels like reading an annual. when I was a kid the only comics I had were in annuals along with prose and recipes and craft things.

err and it was great to meet Graham and Beth for the first time and then see lots of great friends who have been at the same events since I started going to cons. I bought lots of new comics, mostly anthologies or newspaper format stuff so I could get little comics from lots of people. I've not read them all yet, I'm trying to make them last till christmas.

Thank you very much anyone who bought something from our table.

Actually a lot of people had said all weekend that sales were slow. and while we were there I thought they were being kinda slow on our table to. I've had better events were I'd nearly sold out of my comic within 1 day. but when we did the maths at the end of the weekend we actually took the most money as a table than ever before. It was difficult to tell because we had largely sold postcards and smaller comics.

I was kinda disappointed with myself before Thought Bubble because I realised my only book Best Day Ever is now around 2 years old and 1 year old in print form. I felt a bit stupid that I'd not managed to arrange anything new or better when I'd planned to go to Thought Bubble so far in advanced.

so I'm starting plans for something new in print for next time so this doesn't happen again. there should be new anthology plans too. I love doing anthology short stories, 4-10 pages is my favourite length to write for I think.

thought bubble 2011

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