(no subject)

Oct 07, 2011 09:49


I'm actually really pleased with this page. I dunno why it turned out so much better than the other pages I've drawn recently. I think it might be a change in attitude.

This week has sent my stomach churning the whole way though. I'll probably be jumping around shouting about things next week, because I'm still in a state of complete disbelief and I'm paranoid I might have heard the wrong thing down the phone or something. Normally in this kinda situation I'd double check a document or something, but I don't have any yet. I am starting to think that I'm so desperate for a job that maybe I developed some kinda mental illness or I imagined the phone call entirely.

but there are plenty of things look forward to and be thankful for, so I'll celebrate those instead of complaining all the time ...

I don't think I've blogged about this but Sarah Burgess drew my character Mark from BDE/JTS at a party in her Blake Sinclair comic. SOOOO awesome. I love Sarah's comics. They're kinda similar to the comics I draw cause they're slice of life/hipster stories about friends and things. so yeh, if thats why you're reading my comics/blog you need to check them outttt.

I'm really excited about the new inspired book. I've just ok-ed the pdf proof so we'll get to see them in about a week. within plenty of time for thought bubble. I'll be doing previews and news every week and I'll make sure to take some book photos :)

There's a lot of new sneak peeks on the Ink+Paper blog (including some panels from my comic which I've not posted online before). It's going to be a really chunky full colour book, sooooo exciting. I've been collecting mini comics and things by a lot of the other creators for years, so I still can't really believe my comic will be in the same book.

blake sinclair, webcomics, sarah burgess, ink+paper, jumping the shark, updates, best day ever, inspired comics

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