If you had no will power...

Dec 06, 2009 19:23

...what would you buy yourself this Christmas?

Anything endorsed by this bear. Rilakkuma (means "relax bear") and I have similar interests. He also endorses some pretty fantastical things.

A Rilakkumma laptop for instance.

Melissa "Ashanti" boots are not only waterproof, but also made of a super-light material that conforms to your foot, making them very comfortable.

Melissa has fresh non-boots too. These shoes would be awesome for walking around on the moon.

As demonstrated in previous posts, the Ultimate Wall-e is THE ULTIMATE TOY. Super want. Very badly.

The Complete Frank Miller Batman. This book is the size of the bible and smells like leather and justice.

Any animal clutch by Tsurubride. She's so very creative!

Anything Cookie Monster. Especially if it's this reversible hoodie.

Haunted Mansion shoes. No, they aren't the official Disney version, but I like these kid shoes better.

This is, however, an official Disney product. A Haunted Mansion lunch bag ^_^

Hello Kitty Asics in black/gold. HELLO KITTY UNDERSTAND?

Rocket space shoes. Of course they aren't even for purchase, but I would find a way.

Instyler hair straightener. Because I don't want to spend 40 minutes a day straightening my now-ridiculously-long hair. =(

Sneakers that light up. A personal dream of mine since childhood. Those all white ones with white lights are FRESH.

Lego dress, lego dress, lego dress... it combines perfectly my childhood obsession with legos with my current infatuation with dresses.

Yes, I enjoy ridiculous jewelry as well. This moustache necklace would be the perfect addition to anyone's anything.

A dress with puppies. I would wear this for my tea parties that I hold in the backyard with my imaginary friend Mistress Pennyweather.


Shortcomings by Adrian Tomine. Lord knows if I had no will power, I would be buying so many books. This would be one of my first though. So good!

Adorable Space Invaders headphones. My new favorite accessory, since I have to wear headphones to work#1.

Bear sleeping bag. I would sleep in this thing pretty much all the time.

Tron glow in the dark hoodie. I have a thing for things that glow in darkness.


So many events have been robbing me of time and internet!

~Disneyland is/has been our home away from home almost every weekend for about a year now.
This was taken last weekend in Downtown Disney. You'd think we'd get bored but nope. Not us.

~Job #1 is soul crushing and evil, makes me feel like Peter from Office Space. Its only saving grace is that I can listen to my music, but that cubicle is suffocating me. Oh and I have 3 bosses (still less than Office Space's 8 bosses). This is essentially, me.

~Job #2 is wonderful and perfect. They have been sending me to publicity events. I will be in an upcoming Press Telegram, public speaking. EXCITED.

~We are redesigning one of the rooms of the house into an exercise/display room.

~We are painting our living room COOKIE MONSTER blue. It will be awesome.

~Ray threw his birthday party at our house, and it was a pajama party. Needless to say, it was AMAZING. I think everyone had fun. Here are Ray's pictures! http://www.flickr.com/photos/skupen/tags/november21/

~Ray and I are in the process of making a picture book and possibly a graphic novel. I'm excited to get my creative juices flowin'. Any excuse to get my mind off Job #1 is welcome.

~Next weekend is The Princess and the Frog and the Nutcracker Ballet I believe!

Hasta Luego!
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