Merry Christmas!!!

Dec 25, 2015 09:31

First things first, Merry Christmas minna! ^_^
Second thing, for Baby Ohno....I'll try to update at least one more chapter before this years ends. I've been so busy and gotten sick again recently (though I'm better now)....please wait patiently for the next chapters- I promise to make them amazing!;D

And third thing.....I wanted to show off some of the things I got from Christmas last night (in my family, we open gifts on Christmas Eve night XD and then on Christmas Day, we go into hiding from annoying relatives/friends and carolers who sing to get money from us :p). I was really expecting nothing this Christmas (only money, cards and maybe some bras and panties from grandma...) so I'm SUPER shocked at what I got (specifically the Arashi things I got)

My brother got me an Arashi card with a handmade Arashi envelope (such a good boy)

And since I've been a bit sad that I couldn't get any Japonism stuff (especially the Arashi calendar) my mom and dad made this for me (and it's not made of paper- it's made of a strong type of cloth that's hard to destroy and cleans easily- making it last for a very long time XD) Best. Parents. Ever.

I've seriously teared up when I saw these gifts (especially the large banner that is now posted on my wall)....everyone's the best.
And since I'm in a good mood, Here's a picture that I drew for Aiba-chan! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!! ^_^

fanart, journal, group: arashi

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