Title: Kiss All the Boys Vol 3
Author: Shiuko Kano
Publisher: Deux
ISBN: 9781934496459
May Contain Spoilers
Yay! The series finale for the book featuring some of the most dysfunctional people in BL manga has arrived, and it didn’t disappoint. Now that Tetsuo is fully functional again, thanks to Momoyama, he can’t keep thoughts of Tama out of his head. So what if his son is in love with Tama? Tetsuo has it bad for the kid, and he just can’t get over his infatuation for his son’s best friend. How is Haruka going to react when he learns that his rival for Tama’s affections is his own father?
After accepting the fact that he’s no longer attracted to women, Tetsuo is plagued by wet dreams starring Tama. When Tama catches him in the act of a little self-fulfillment, Tetsuo can’t hold back any longer, and the two are soon entwined in a passionate embrace - which Haruka walks in on. Doh! As if relations between the father and son weren’t rocky enough already! Now dad’s gone and stolen the guy he loves right out from under him.
I felt sorry for Haruka, because this kid is carrying around a lot of baggage. He believes that he’s the product of a loveless affair, and that loving someone else will give some purpose to his life. Never mind that Tama has never given any indication that he’s even remotely attracted to his friend. Haruka was someone who is so caught up in his own feelings that he doesn’t have a thought to spare about anybody else’s. Poor kid! Thank goodness he has that hot Kazama to offer up a shoulder to cry on.
The change in Tetsuo once he’s discovered love was a surprise to several people that he knows. Noguchi’s reaction was the best, as his assistant almost collapses in a fit of shock when Tetsuo gives him his pay, and it’s more than he was expecting. Tetsuo’s even a little contrite about how he treated Momoyama. And he is beside himself when Haruka runs off - never thought that day would come.
The swift pacing kept me glued to this book, and I didn’t put it down until I reached the last page. It remained funny and frenzied all the way to the end, with eye-pleasing art and extremely attractive character designs. I’m sorry that this title has come to an end.
Also includes the bonus story “Summertime Accomplices.”
Kiss All the Boys Vol 3 will be in bookstores Oct 29
Grade: B+
Rated for Mature
Review copy provided by
Deux Originally published at
Manga Maniac Cafe. Please leave any
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