May 25, 2009 21:43


Title: X-SOO
Author: mangalover93
Character: Big Bang + X-SOO [Fictional]
Pairing: JiSo, RiSoo, MiTop, DaeJe, TaeJi
[more info about characters and pairing]
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own big bang or know big bang
Summary: YG is holding an international audition online. A friend group of four found out and joined the audition. Will they make it? and if they make it what will happen to them?
Warning: Swearing and bad hum
Author note: This is a straight chaptered fanfic, I don't know how long it is going to be, but it will probably be long :P I know it can be hard to understand sometimes so just ask me ;D Well this part is longer than the others.
Earlier updates: ~Part 1~ ~Part 2~ ~Part 3~ ~Part 4~
Recap: It was Top! I finally met him! And we are going to stay with them!!!! I cheered quietly.

Note: Bold = speaking in Korean - if not then the dialogs are in English

Well this part became very long :P I hope you guys enjoyed it ^^

Part 5

Soo Jung’s POV
Arg, what am I going to do? How can I face them now? I sighed and opened the door. They weren’t home. Mrs. Kim said that they were out on MCountDown. The apartment was really nice and big. It was pretty cleaned too, only the kitchen table and the sink was left unclean. They must have left the apartment in a hurry because their food where still there too. Once again I sighed, I have sighed a lot ever since my encounter with Big Bang. So Ah and Mi Soo ran around the apartment like idiots and Je Soo took out her laptop and wanted to get on the internet.

“Come on, let’s clean!” I yelled. No attention. I sighed and started to work.

“Soo Jung!” Je Soo shouted from the living room. “Help me with the net!” she continued.

“Omg, can’t you do anything beside chatting?” I murmured tiredly. I cleaned my hands and walked towards her. “You really should learn more about the computer, than turning it on and open the chatting-program.” I bent down and started to find the net. We knew that there is network here, since there were a lot of computers around the apartment. “There,” I left her and walked to the kitchen to continue my work.

“Thank you!” she screamed.

“No problem!” I shouted back. Once again I started washing the dishes. Luckily, So Ah decided to help me.

“Oh no! He isn’t on!” We could hear Je Soo from the living room.

“Buhu, start crying!” So Ah teased her. We finished the dishes and cleaned the rest of the house except their rooms.

“Weh, finally done!” I let out and took a place beside Je Soo. “Still not on?” I asked her.

“No,” she said sadly.
“He will probably get on later,” I comforted her.

Daesung’s POV
“Whew, finally over,” I took a deep breath as I walked out the van.

“Yeah,” Seung ri said coming right behind me.

“Hyung, you really shouldn’t eat ice cream before we are performing.” Our leader, Ji Yong hyung, walking before us talking with Top hyung.

“Yeah, hyung or you at least could have bought me some too,” Seung Ri whined.

”Sorry, maknae, I promise I’ll buy you one next time,” Top said as he opened the door, but then suddenly. “You guys hear that?” he asked quietly. We nodded.

We could hear voices from our apartment. Ji Yong gave us a sign to be quiet and he walked tip-toe into the apartment followed by us. When we came into the hall, we could hear that the voices came from the living room. I took my umbrella and walked right behind the others. Right now, we were standing right behind the door to the living room. Ji Yong turned around to give us more signs, but when he saw me with the umbrella he looked at me weirdly and mouthed.

“What the hell?” The others also looked at me doubtfully.

“Protection.” I mouthed back. Ji Yong shook his head and walked behind me.

“You first then, Daesung.” He whispered into my ear.

“What?!” I nearly screamed and Top covered my mouth.
“Shh!” Seung Ri mouthed, making the silence sign. My eyes nearly fell out. They wanted me to go first?! So they would sacrifice me if anything happens? I should have known. Mom, I might not come home, I’ll miss you! I sighed and busted into the room, screaming.

Soo Jung’s POV
I jumped when I heard someone screamed behind us. Then I yelled when that person pointed at us with an umbrella ready to strike. It was Big Bang! Wait, why do they want to hit us?

“Stop!” Ji shouted and got the attention. The guys looked at us and we them. “Ah!” Ji Yong and Top exclaimed pointing at So Ah and Mi Soo. Ji Yong at So Ah and Top at Mi Soo. The two of them blushed and just stood there staring at them smiling.

“Oh no!” Je Soo burst out.

“What’s wrong?” I asked looking worried, like the others.

“The net is gone.” I gave her a glare and the others looked at her weirdly. “What?” she got annoyed. I sighed,

“You-” I got cut by her.

“Yes! The net is coming back. See, see!” she pointed at a tiny icon on the screen. “One line, two line, three line and jackpot!” She cheered. All of us sighed and walked to the kitchen.

Daesung’s POV
We sat down in the kitchen staring at the girls. We didn’t know why they were here and what they were doing here either.

“Erm,” Ji Yong broke the silence.

“Oh, yes. Erm… Hi, I’m Min Soo Jung, a new trainee of YG. I’m really sorry about what happened earlier today.” She introduced herself and bowed. I didn’t know why she spoke in English, wasn’t she a Korean? Without realizing I asked out loud.

“Aren’t you from Korea? Why do you speak English?” she looked at me confused. I receive a smack from Seung Ri and he hissed.

“Think before you speak, hyung!”

“Erm, I’m sorry, but we can’t understand you, because we are not Korean.” She explained in English.

“Oh,” we said and Ji Yong started to speak.

“Then why are you here in our apartment?” he asked in English.

“I’m sorry that we intruded without asking. Mrs. Kim said that we should wait here.” she answered.

“Is sorry the only thing you can say?” Seung Ri teased her. “I haven’t hear you say one sentence without using sorry.” He continued.

“I’m so-. Hey! I can say sorry as many times as I like. So you don’t apologize to people then? If you did something wrong?” she threw back at him. He was going to say something, but Ji Yong stopped him.

“Maknae!” he said strictly and it became quiet again.

“So how about we introduce ourselves? I’m Kang Daesung, nice to meet you!” I looked at Seung Ri and he sighed.

“I’m Lee Seung Hyun, but call me Seung Ri,” he added something under his breath. “I bet they already know us.”

“Maknae!” Ji Yong scolded him again. “Hi, I’m the leader of Big Bang, Kwon Ji Yong, welcome to our place. I’m sorry if we scared you,” The girls smiled, especially one of them.

“Hi, I’m Choi Seung Hyun, but please call me Top.” Top gave them a big smile and one of the girls looked like she was going to faint.

“Hi, I’m Dong Yongbae, my stage name is Taeyang, you can call me either names.”

“Hi, like I said earlier. My name is Min Soo Jung, and these are my friends.” She poked the girl beside her and the girl jumped a little.

“Hi… I’m Hwang So Ah, it is really nice to meet you!” she bowed.

“and I’m Park Mi Soo! It is fantastic to finally meet you guys!” she introduced herself excitedly.” We smiled and looked at them friendly. I got curious about the girl in our living room.

“Who is the one sitting in the living room?” I asked curious. The girl named Soo Jung sighed and was going to answer but she got cut.

“I’M CHOI JE SOO!” she shouted from the living room.

“Je Soo! You should introduce yourself properly!” Soo Jung yelled back.

“Forget about her, she is a loser anyway!” So Ah commented.

“Bitch, I heard that!” She screamed back.

“Gosh, does she have bat ears or something,” So Ah hissed under her breath, while Mi Soo was laughing, Soo Jung sighing and we were chuckling.

“I’m using the computer!” I announced to the boys and rose.

“Oooo, talking with that girl again, aren’t we?” Ji Yong teased me.

“Of course!” I said excitedly and walked into the living room. The girl was still there. She didn’t look up when I came in. Choi Je Soo, she had the same surname as Top. I sat down and opened the chatting program. Please let her be on, I chanted in my mind.

“Yey! She is on!” I yelled in Korean. I could hear her shouting something at the same time too.

“Yes! He is on!”

Who is he? I thought for myself. Maybe she was chatting too? I shook the thought away from my head and started to chat. I didn't know but Je Soo started to chat too.

DoreamonD: Hi!

Flowerpower93: Hey!

DoreamonD: How are you?

Flowerpower93: I’m good J and you?

DoreamonD: I’m good too :D I’m glad you’re good. What cha doing?

Flowerpower93: Just chatting (waited for you to get on) :P

DoreamonD: I could only get on now, because of work, sorry L

Flowerpower93: It’s okay J I have just arrived at our new apartment anyway.

DoreamonD: Ok, enjoying your stay in South-Korea?

Flowerpower93: Yeah, haven’t seen much though..

DoreamonD: Don’t worry about that, I’ll show you around J

Flowerpower93: Can’t wait^^ brb, my friend is coming in.

DoreamonD: Ok.

Je Soo's POV

“Ash, finally when he is on, you come here and ruin everything.” I whined, when So Jung came in

checking on me.

“So, you are chatting with him?” she asked and looked at the screen.

“You didn’t have to say brb, or are you afraid to talk when I’m watching.”

“Ha, you are so funny.” I mocked.

“Ooo, something private.” She laughed.

“Just go, would you?” I asked and she smirked.

“Sure, sure,” I sighed. She didn’t walk out of the room, instead she walked towards Daesung.

“Hi, mind if I see what you’re doing?” I could hear her ask him.

“Of course not,” he answered looking at her.

“Oh, you are chatting too,” she exclaimed.

“Have I seen you before?” He asked suddenly. Soo Jung looked at him confused, but was


“I really doubt that, this is my first time in South-Korea. Who are you chatting with?” She looked

at the screen with wide eyes. “Are you chatting with Flowerpower93?” She exclaimed, looking

at me. I looked up too. Our eyes met and we exchanged silent words. “Then you are

DoreamonD?!” She continued with her questioning.

“Yes, how did you know?” he asked.

“Erm, you are DoreamonD and Je Soo is Flowerpower93,” she explained.

“Soo Jung!” I said strictly.

“Ok, ok, I’ll leave the two of you alone,” she winked at me and left the room.

c: oc, f: big bang, s: x-soo, p: various

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