May 23, 2009 00:42


Title: X-SOO
Author: mangalover93
Character: Big Bang + X-SOO [Fictional]
Pairing: JiSo, RiSoo, MiTop, DaeJe, TaeJi
[more info about characters and pairing]
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own big bang or know big bang
Summary: YG is holding an international audition online. A friend group of four found out and joined the audition. Will they make it? and if they make it what will happen to them?
Warning: Swearing and bad hum
Author note: This is a straight chaptered fanfic, I don't know how long it is going to be, but it will probably be long :P I know it can be hard to understand sometimes so just ask me ;D Only Mi Soo get's to meet her fav boy :P
Earlier updates: ~Part 1~ ~Part 2~ ~Part 3~
Recap: "Come on, let's practice." I said after the laughter died down.

Note: Bold = speaking in Korean - if not then the dialogs are in English

Part 4
 Mi Soo’s POV
Soo Jung came bursting into the room, panting and bowing to the rest of us.

“Sorry, I’m late. It won’t happen again.”

“Why are you so late?” I whispered to her.

“Because you guys didn’t wake me!” she hissed back.

“What happened?” So Ah asked, keeping her voice down.

“Later,” Soo Jung ended our conversation and we turned our attention to Mr. YG.

“Welcome girls to South-Korea. Are you girls enjoying your stay here?” We nodded smiling.

“Well then, let’s fill you in. You are going to stay here as trainees. We are having a check up on you every other week. If you do one mistake, we’ll have to send you home. This is a test on your group, so one mistake means bye-bye for the whole group.” He looked at us, and we looked at each other. We were both afraid and excited at the same time. Afraid of being send home and excited for what we were going to do here.

“About where you are going to stay,” he stopped, thinking. “We haven’t found a place for you yet, but you are going to stay with your seniors, Big Bang, for the time being.” Silence fell over us.

“You’re kidding, right?” So Ah exclaimed and received a hit from Soo Jung. I giggled. We are going to stay with Big Bang! I cheered quietly for myself. I’ll get to meet Top!

“No, So Ah, I’m not kidding. You are going to stay there until you girls debut or get your own apartment,” He was smiling now, “and please behave yourselves.” We were smiling too, and weird pictures came through my mind.

“We will behave, right girls?” Soo Jung said, looking at us. We chuckled.

“Of course,” the rest of us answered in sync.

“That’s good; Mrs. Kim will show you the way and give you more information.” He ended the meeting, and we bowed.

We left the building and walked to the apartment. Mrs. Kim said that it wasn’t far from the YG building.

“Yey! We are going to live with Big Bang!” I cheered together with So Ah.

“Hey, keep your voices down. We are out in the street!” Soo Jung snerred. She was in a bad mood and Je Soo didn’t really care. She kept nagging about her computer and chat-partner.

“Soo Jung, what’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she answered dully.

“Aw, come on. You can tell me anything.” I continued.

“No.. not now later maybe..” We will never get anything out of her unless she wanted to tell us.

“Aw, come on, let’s go to that store then,” I pointed at a ice cream shop.

“No.. I’ll wait here, take your time,” she said tiredly. I shook my head and walked towards the shop.

I walked into the shop and there were no line. Lucky me.

“Hi,” the waitress greeted me in Korean. I could understand that much. I greeted her back, looking around for a taste I like. Finally, I saw the taste I wanted, chocolate. But I couldn’t read or know how to say chocolate in Korean. There were different types of ice cream and the many sizes for the ice cream, and all that made it more difficult.

“Erm,” I started. “I want a normal ice cream with chocolate taste, please.” I requested in English. The waitress gave me no respond. “Hehe,” What am I going to do? I started to make pictures with my hands and mouthed the words slowly.

“I… want,” I pointed at myself. “a… N-O-R-M-A-L,” I made an ice cream with my hands, “I-C-E… C-R-E-A-M…” “with… C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E,” showing her the chocolate taste. Still no answers.

I looked behind me. There were many people behind me now, looking at me weirdly. Oh, no, when did they get here? I took a look at the waitress again. She just stood there, smiling at me. I sighed, then looked behind me again. Maybe I should just forget it? I thought, and I looked back at the ice cream I wanted. Ah, I really want to eat it. It is Baskin Robins after all. Ok, one last time. I cheered myself on and was going to try to order again, but I got cut by him.

“Hi, can I help you?” He said in English, I turned around and faced him! It was Top! Omg!

“…” I couldn’t talk. I just looked at the ice cream I wanted, because I didn’t know where else to look.

He smiled, and said something in Korean to the waitress. The waitress smiled and started working. She took the normal type ice cream and filled it with chocolate taste and gave it to Top, then she made the same one and also gave it to Top. I stared at him shocked and surprised, and I didn’t know what to do. He paid for the ice creams. I just stood there still staring at him. Maybe I should leave? But I don’t want to! Suddenly he gave me one of the ice creams, breaking me away from my thoughts. Not doing anything, I still stood there and glared at him weirdly.

“This was the one you wanted, right?” he smiled. Omg, his English is so good! What do I do? I can’t take it! He saw my hesitance, so he took my hand and put the ice cream he bought there. “Eat it, or it’ll get ruined.” he walked away waving his hands. I sighed. I couldn’t waste the ice cream either. With a smile on my face I took a bite of the ice cream and walked towards the others. It was Top! I finally met him! And we are going to stay with them!!!! I cheered quietly.

I wanted to have Je Soo's part in this, but then it would be too long, so her part will come in the next part :D I hope you guys like this ^^

c: oc, f: big bang, s: x-soo, p: various

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