Violinist of Hameln for otp20in20

Sep 18, 2011 22:05


1: Zoom in/out
2: Notebook Texture
3: Contact
4: Nature
5: Magazine Cover

6: Rainbow
7: Text as Texture
8: Devil/Angel
9: Sprinkles of Joy
10: Culmination





Gosh, I haven't made icons in ages! That being the way things are, my skills are a bit rusty and not up to date. Still, I'm pretty happy with how these 20 icons turned out for the most part. There are a lot of pairings that I like in the VoH universe, though not all of them in the romantic sense though you can clearly tell I am biased towards one particular pairing.

♪ Notes ♫
1) I haven't seen the anime yet, but I really like that picture of Hamel and Flute (because the chances of Hamel being that sweet are slim to nil in the manga, unless it was in Flute's daydream).
2) Out of all the villains Vocal is my favorite, because he's so damn crazy and it's fun seeing him make a butt monkey out of Orgel.
5) Given manga!Hamel's penchant for making dinner using earthworms and other unmentionables, I thought a "Bon Appetite" cover icon would be most appropriate. ;)
7) The text in the background is "Flute". I'm not being very original here. :p
10) Since VoH is a music themed story, I wanted to use some of those terms in the icons here (more on this below). The "coda" is the concluding movement or passage of a piece of music.
11-15) The score in the background is from Beethoven's Sympathy No. 5, a piece which is highly symbolic in VoH: Schelkunchik. The musical symbols themselves also have meaning in relation to the characters and the scene depicted on the icons.
→"fp" forte-piano; in which the music gets louder then suddenly becomes softer. I used it here to show how Schel calmed Great during his outburst.
→"sf" sforzato; indicate a note is to be played with strong initial attack. Here I used it more to set a mood, as Piroro is very firm in her stance to protect Schel from his fate.
→segno symbol; used in conjunction with dal segno, indicates a musician to go back and start playing at the nearest segno. Used here to symbolize the flash back to Lute and Great's past
→"c" common time; in the 16th century it refereed to 2/4 "imperfect" time. I thought it'd be fitting to represent the two imperfect "dolls" that is Schel and Harmony.
→"mp" mezzo piano; indicate a note is to be played moderately softly. I used it here to show the characters taking a breather after a battle.

Comments are ♥
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Cross posted to hameln

violinist of hameln, icons, otp20in20

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