Here is our soon to be (hopefully) large Winners Post. Here you'll find various winners from past weeks and themes, so check back here if you have any questions to who won. Please don't use these icons without asking the respective creator first! Credit to
Lissa Explains It All for this great table.
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Best Color
Moderators Choice
chopstickiconsignored_tears_blackrose89_chopstickiconsinfraorbital WEEK 2: SYMBOLS & HAPPY
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Best Adaption
Moderators Choice
_blackrose89_ignored_tearskinetic_dazeinfraorbitaltwisted_fruitie WEEK 3: LIGHTS
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Best Caption
Moderators Choice
ignored_tears_blackrose89_mizugazipanmizugazipanannwyd WEEK 4: ICY
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Best Adaption
Moderators Choice
_blackrose89_m1ch1ruinfraorbitalinfraorbitalkinetic-daze WEEK 5: CELESTIAL & SHARPNESS
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Best Color
Moderators Choice
ignored_tearsinfraorbital_blackrose89_sunshiniiannwyd WEEK 6: MUSIC
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Most Creative
Moderators Choice
ryin_ryuiji_blackrose89_mizugazipantwisted_fruitieco_raptor WEEK 7: NATURE & FEMININITY
First Place
Second Place
Third Place
Best Typography
Moderators Choice