Hmm..There's some kinda pattern emerging...

May 07, 2006 16:21

Well ........not a great deal has happened. Divorce still going on. As divorces do.

But I wouldn't believe it........ANOTHER.....PARKING........TICKET.

That's forty quid down the friggin drain again.

And you know, the other day I was hanging out in town, when I saw a ticket inspector ticket a car on the street. He goes through the usually tap-tap-tapping of his lil machine and the ticket comes out, he puts it in a sticky envelope and slaps it on the windscreen.

That was pretty much how i thought it worked too.

Then he surprised me.

He got out a lil digital camera and started taking many many pictures of this offending car. Close ups, a few less close ups...... What does he WANT with that many pictures??

Now........I'm guessing there are so many pictures of my car ....wherever they store those pictures.......that it has probably become some sick twisted game of theirs...........let's find the Honda Jazz and try to catch it out!

ARGH"£$&*!P($*!)("£*$£()$£")%&$£"&"!(*£!(&%£)$!*$)"(*!£()!*"£"!&$)!*("£ fucking shitty bloody crap argh fuck.
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