Worst (Vols. 1-3)
English Version Released by DMP (dmpbooks.com)
$12.95 ea | Rated: 16+
Vol. 1 Released Aug 2004
Vol. 2 Released November 2004
Vol. 3 Released March 2005
Vol. 4 Released ???
Worst needs your help! Currently DMP is not happy with the sales of Worst and as such, the title has been placed on the Shelf of the Manga Void. If sales can come up a bit, then more Worst can be produced. There in lies the problem, there hasn't been a new volume in 5 months. It's kind of hard to sell a title when it's not out there.
So Ed and I decided to rekindle our love and enthusiasm for Worst and share it with you all. Hope you enjoy that cast and that maybe a couple of you will go out and pick up copies of Vols. 1-3. You won't regret it. I promise.
This cast is a roundtable discussion featuring Jarred Pine and Ed Chavez for the MangaCast.
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