Aug 26, 2006 02:07
the movie was bad and i wasted my money and time..... but i would have wasted all that on myself eventually. not much to say about the movie. The deaths were violent and over the top just for the sake of the R rating. the begining was just for getting the most horrible storyline up to speed (how the heck did the FBI cop find him) which brings to another point no character development at all. middle was predictable i could forseen everything pretty much. ending is what saved it from being one of the most worst movie i have every seen. oh yeah it's so bad there is no reason to organize a good critique about this piece of sh!t.
Oh and yeah this have the typical "Airplane Survival" characters. one strong staurtess, kids going on a plane by themselves, a newlywed couple, the tough longtime partner who's going to die etc etc.
oh and shameless plugs and product placement.
I look at some movie reviews ign gives this 3.5/5 well they suck at giving reviews they gave star ocean till the end of time a high review and that game was boring and nothing really good happen in it, just like this movie.
They wanted to sell a crappy movie and they got the money they wanted, and the really REALLY lower the bar in American cinema. "hey every movie producers don't work hard on a script, storyline and all that stuff that makes a movie "great", just give it your crap job and use the internet to overhype it and all you have to do is to have the star of the show say his ONE famous line in the entire movie." Why produce a movie that you know is bad there is no reason except for the MONEY.
so the movie was "meant" to have a predictable storyline and that can be ok if they can make it entertaining but the didn't and that really suck. It's a movie that meant to be sucky and is meant to be talk how bad it is and you should see it because it's that bad. that's what i hate are overhyped movies with nothing more than one catchy line to sale it and that's it.
Dammit Jon you and your overhype stuff do you know the meaning of quality.
Oh one last rant there is a reason why they don't do that many "Airplane Survival" movies because they suck.
Well movies are like FOOD. the pallete of people are different from person to person. And THIS movie left a bad taste in my mouth....... i should have bought popcorn and soda to wash it down.