(no subject)

Jan 23, 2006 01:25

I think that there is a calender at work somewhere that declared today "scream at Trina for no apparent reason" day. My manager Sandy screamed at me three different times for a mistake that she made. That was bad enough, but the fact that she did in front of a bunch of customers was completely ridiculous. I felt like I was back in grade school being punished in front of the whole class. During the first screaming session, I kept my mouth shut. But the other two, I lost my cool and fought back. It is somewhat amazing that I still have my job actually. The only reason that I didn't get into serious trouble was that fact that she called my other manager and found out that I was right and she was wrong. That was extremely satisfying. But I still can't believe that I fought with my manager in front of a bunch of people. I just snapped, everything had just built up after a really shitty weekend. Sandy was the final straw. Then later, by later I mean like a grand total of 15 minutes, Bernita screamed at me for not watching her area and letting her know that she had customers. Bernita is not management, so I had absolutely no problem snapping at her. I'm sorry, but explain to me how it is my fucking responsibility to keep track of her area. I was a little too busy trying to work for three people in the area that I was working in. So Bernita got a big fat piece of my mind. Oddly enough, after I fought with both of these people, they were really nice to me the whole rest of the day. I may have found a place where being a bitch is effective.

The only perk to my amazingly sucky weekend was that I got to see Cari for about 20 minutes. I got a phone call from her asking me where I was. I told her I was home( where elses would I be?)She then asked if she could stop by and borrow a pair of pants... Apparently she bought a coffee that promptly exploded all over her, dousing her with her iced coffee beverage. She knocked on the door like ten minutes after I hung up( she was on her way to GI Joes). And she wasn't kidding about being covered in coffee.That's all I could smell as soon as she walked in the door. After borrowing clean pants and chatting for a few minutes, she left. She looked so cute. Her hair is really growing fast. She had it all spikey and she had a little sparkly clip in it. She kind of reminded me of a little kid.

I really want something half way decent to happen just to break the steady steam of suckiness. I cannot remember when I have been so depressed or grumpy. Maybe that's why no one wants to hang out with me. I'll have to work on that.
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