Two Names You Go By
peter and pete
Two Parts of Your Heritage
german and british
Two things that scare you
vertigo at niagara falls and phone calls in the middle of the night
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
toilet and floss
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
baseball cap and hiking boots
Two Things You Want in a Relationship
honesty and courage
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You from the opposite sex
eyes and ankles
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
playing musical instruments and reading
Two Things You Want Really Badly
two senses of purpose, one for me and one for w.
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
canadian arctic and british isles
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
visit my kids at their homes and places of work, live with and love a woman
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
this questionnaire, gig on saturday
Two Stores You Shop At
apart from the ones kate mentioned:
valumart (several times a day), lcbo
Two people you haven't talked to in a while
terry k (calgary) and karen m (toronto)
Two favorite web sites
wikipedia and slashdot
Two Favorite Sports
watching: hockey; playing: earthball, though i haven't played for over 20 years
Two People who will fill this out
lj: karena, krome67
email: my sister
Two things you did last night
drank bday beer at cellarmans, read
Two shows you like to watch
tvo documentaries, hockey night in canada
Two places you like to go to
st.catharines, toronto
Two Favorite People
my kids (i know that's three people)
Two Favorite Subjects In Secondary School
art and physics
Two Favorite Places to eat
an east indian restaurant and a vegetarian restaurant, neither of which is in our town
Two (physical) things you like about yourself
my hands and my hair (the hair itself, not the hairstyle -- or lack of style)
Two things you ate today
oatmeal and cottage cheese
Two people you last talked to
w and x
Two things you're doing tomorrow
practicing with the fiddes, enjoying a practical joke played on a co-worker returning from vacation