I can't explain what it is but if there's anything I've learned the past few months, it's that life's too short. So take advantage of every opportunity. Especially every opportunity for adventure.
And so I found myself saying yes to take Princess's place at the Century Tuna 5i50 Triathlon in Subic held last June 24, 2012. Never mind that I said yes on a Friday and that the event was on Sunday. And so I raced. Under her name and on her bike.
And two days later, I'm still on a high. I keep checking the album that Princess uploaded, I keep seeing the notifications, and I keep remembering what it was like to feel completely at peace during the swim (maybe that's why my swim time took too long-- I was too busy enjoying! :P), the adrenaline rush of racing at 50-60km/hr through the switchbacks and overtaking other bikers, and fighting against muscle pain and the intense heat during the run. And I'm hooked. Completely.
1.5 km swim, 40km bike, 10km run. All images from Princess Que.
Thank you to the UP Mountaineers participants, marshals, friends and support crew. Thank you to Cess. Thank You. This was for you, Ma.