There have been plenty of contenders over the past year, but I think at long last we've finally found a true successor to Rebecca Black. This song is just so incredibly bad--so, so bad--but like "Friday" it's bad in a really catchy way. It almost sounds like the Bloodhound Gang wrote the song for them as a joke and they took it completely seriously.
I also love that this is the description of the video on its YouTube page: "Old Bailey Productions did not create any of the audio or lyrics for this video. We produced the video as a favor." That's literally all it says in the description box. This basically translates as: "Please don't hate us. We had nothing to do with this steaming pile of shit that's sure to turn into a giant viral video. Trolls, leave us the fuck alone."
God, I love this video. It's so bad that it's beautiful.
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