Tiger Woods Spoofs

Apr 09, 2010 07:33

Unless you've been living in a cave with no TV or internet (say hi to Osama for me!) you're probably aware of Tiger Woods whole man-whore scandal and you've by now seen his Nike ad, featuring him looking solemnly into the camera while his father asks him what the hell he was thinking from beyond the grave. Of course the fact that Tiger doesn't actually say anything in the commercial has made it ripe for parody, and I've decided to share a few of my favorites here.

First up is last night's Colbert Report. He did a whole segment on the commercial, but my personal favorite is the Gene Wilder one.

[Sorry, for some reason the Colbert link was screwing up my whole Live Journal post, so I took it out.  You can just check it out on the Colbert Nation website instead.]

The Lion King

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American Psycho

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Tiger Gets Rick Rolled

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And finally my personal favorite, Tiger After Dentist

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If you find any other good ones, let me know!
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