Hedwig? Dying like that? After a while I just thought that JK was enjoying gacking characters... I thought that Neville should have fought Bellatrix because of what she did to his parents... Molly was the the last person I would have guessed, but it makes sense after what happened to the twins... Personally I LOVED the Bitch line... I wasn't particularly happy with Draco's envolvement with the end either.
I was on the other hand happy to find out why Snape was Dumbledore's man. I have resented throuh out the books his unfailing faith in Snape. Harry's having lilly's eyes also made Snape's death poingiant, because he was looking into Harry/Lilly's eyes, when he died. (re-read that scene with that knowledge) I know a lot of Snape fans who will be happy with all of that.
Harry and Dumbledore in King's cross... was very cool on several levels and I too will want to go back and read it again. As someone who has had near death experiences, and had the choice about leaving or staying... very cool indeed. The fraction of a soul writhing on the floor was awesome too. It showed how unimportant and less powerful Voldemort really was. In fact I think it contributed to why Harry was no longer afraid of him, and called him Tom Riddle. I don't think it was a taunt, so much as it was a deep understanding of who & what he really was.
As soon as Harry was named the Godfather of remus & tonks baby, I knew they were going to be killed. The little tike was going to be another orphaned kid, just like harry, history repeating itself.
I cried like a baby over Dobby though... 'nuf said.
I was glad that Kreacher came around in the end too, became happy and brought the "house elf army" in the end.
Poor Hermione getting torchered... it was horrible. I couldn't stand reading it...
I really wanted something worse to happen to Umbridge... she deserved to get her come uppance in the end and she didn't... damn shame...
Hocruxes vs. Hallows... interesting how both were a vie for power and immortality. I'm glad that Dumbledore came clean in the end, that he wasn't a saint, and yet he was, because through carefull laid plans, he really did defeat Voldemort, through Harry.
I also thought it was interesting that a different person destroyed each of the Horcruxes. It wasn't just Hermione, Ron & Harry...
Way to come into your own Neville! I was so damn proud of him... it seemed fitting that he became a professor at Hogwarts, but I also wanted to know who became the next Headmaster of Hogwarts.
Ginny was dissapointing. She really didn't shine or stand out as the future wife of Harry. I would have rather seen him hook up with Luna, who really seemed to be there for Harry on a number of occasions.
I really wanted to find out if Harry became an Auror in the epilogue.
I liked the memorial for Harry's family and the house where his parent's died, and the grafitti. Nice touch. It was also cool to find out about his family history to the Hallows.
I really thought that the blasting of the twins ear was enough, but to split the boys up!?!! WTF!?!?! Hell! Kill Percy! the dumb git! or even Mr.Weasley, who had a good life... and proginy! not Fred. the whole randomness of war or whatever... bah! What did she do roll a dice? I'd like to know how she choose him to bite the big one, she had a spare!?!?
I'm going to re-read the book after summer school is over, more slowly. So what did you think?
Manea Q.