much to do.

Jun 02, 2007 12:29

Ok, well i am not at my weight goal for today bc of yesterday. That was sort of expected. But i didnt gain as much as i usually do.

Right now I'm 164.4 ew [again this week] but if i go work out today.. I could probably get down to tomorrow's goal.. maybe, which is 161.3. I dont know though, should I starve today and work out crazy like? Should i eat some green beans and work out? I just dont know what would be more effective. I'll probably work out some and eat green beans.

I am exhausted though.. But i did wake up a lot later today than i have been [probably bc i had food in me].
So a can of green beans have 40 calories. They dont fill me up though =[ but atleast it's food. I would like lettuce, but then i have to go buy some and i really dont feel like doing that.. i dunno i might later.

But i also have to study for my test..omg bc i have to do good. My avg is probably a B right now. Not horrible, i can stand a B...but definately nothing less omg. And I really want an A bc i've got to boost my gpa.

My roommates annoy me, just bc they are here. I can hear them in the living room. I hate seeing them when i leave and return. I dont want to talk to them. I dont want them to look at my fat ass. They knew me when I was skinny and then i got fat it's embarrassing and i hate it.

So goal for tonight: 162.4 [-2 lbs]
Goal for the morning: 161.3 [ehhh.. I dunno. -3.1 lbs]
Monday: 159.8 [-4.6 lbs definately possible.. but dunno if it'll happen]
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