Hey. I just wanted to let you know that I'm perfectly safe from the tsunami that is on the news. I called one of the professors tonight, and she told me that we have nothing to worry about.
I'm pretty much in an ideal location. I live in Okayama, the pink section of this map:
(P.S. I have no idea what that is the head office and factory for, but apparently it's in Okayama)
We are on the main Island of Honshu, on the Pacific coast, but protected from anything (tsunamis, typhoons, etc) by Shikoku Island, which is directly across the inland sea from my town. Shikoku is rocky and very mountainous, and anything that has to go through it will be worn out by the time it gets to us. On the other side, we are protected from anything that comes from the Sea of Japan side (tsunamis, typhoons, nuclear weapons) by a whole lot of mountains. Earthquakes we may feel a little, but we don't get anything serious.
The area they were worried about for this tsunami is Hokkaido (top island). It's closest to Russia, so that would make sense. It is very far away from me.
So, I'm on the Embassy email list, and I'll make sure none of the warnings change. Everything's been very calm today. No traffic jams of fleeing Okayamans or lines at the grocery store. Thanks for worrying though! I appreciate the notes.
Much love.