Fic (Voyager/ Firefly): From the Stars, Knowledge (Janeway, Firefly and Voyager ensembles, PG)

Jun 29, 2009 22:52

From the Stars, Knowledge
Star Trek: Voyager/ Firefly crossover (Janeway and ensembles, PG)
Author's Notes: Written for the multiverse5000 2009. My prompt: "Voyager's new holoprogram is a space western." And well, yes, that's sort of what this is about.

These ships aren’t even warp capable. She doesn’t know how they stay in the sky. )

fic miscellaneous, fic firefly

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Comments 46

mymatedave June 29 2009, 19:27:39 UTC
Wow. Trippy, but really good.


mandysbitch July 1 2009, 05:17:33 UTC
Well it was written over a lot of late nights - so the trippy part is kind of a product of that. Thanks for reading and commenting. Cheers!


vonniek June 29 2009, 20:16:55 UTC
That was excellent and went to difference places than the ones I was expecting, which was awesome.


mandysbitch July 1 2009, 05:18:58 UTC
It sort of went different places I had expected to go too - which was a result of writing it over a long period of time in bits and pieces (and yet it's still very rushed - it was just not something I had a lot of time to work on).

But it's out there. Hooray! Thanks for reading - and commenting. :)


selenak June 29 2009, 21:04:15 UTC
Twisty, disturbing and fantastic. (Also very vaguely reminds me of the TNG episode Frame of Mind, without the last minute rescue/assurance which reality was genuine.)

Oh, and: What kind of sadistic mind thinks of these plots?

Aren't we all wondering...


mandysbitch July 1 2009, 05:22:32 UTC
I only vaguely remember "Frame of Mind." The story owes its inspiration to a lot of "unreality" type scifi episodes including "Normal Again" (Buffy), "The Real World" (Stargate Atlantis) and "Far Beyond the Stars" (DS9). I had intended to leave it hanging as to which world was real - but the idea that someone had created River to 'mimic' a genius/ telepath and her program had just run wild as a result, was a little too appealing. I like it when they leave it open to interpretation though. Very unsettling.

Thanks for the comments. :)


jaxomsride June 30 2009, 01:46:00 UTC
Wow that is good.
Let's hope River is right and Janeway is rescued before she does think Voyager is the delusion.


mandysbitch July 1 2009, 05:24:47 UTC
Janeway is rescued before she does think Voyager is the delusion.

I don't know... then she gets to spend the rest of the ride home in a nice garden with a duck pond. Wait - that leaves Chakotay in charge. Noooooo! ;)

Heh. I'm sure B'Elanna or Seven will figure it out eventually. Thanks for commenting.


theonlytwin June 30 2009, 10:03:18 UTC
that is a brilliant little mindfuck. janeway is as brilliant as always, mal and the serenity crew are wonderfully in character, but that little twist of unreality is absolutely fantastic.


mandysbitch July 2 2009, 04:27:07 UTC
I've got to say, it's rushed and very flawed in parts, but I'm glad I wrote it. I rarely write anything plot driven - and this is *all* plot. Very unusual for me. But challenging.

Anyway, I'm very pleased you liked it. Thanks for the comments.


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