I'm studying for an exam that's worth 30% of my mark. I've already passed this unit based on my semester marks (just). In fact, if I were to stop studying right now I could probably walk away with a credit based on the meagre amount of reading I've already done. A credit would be not too shabby - and it's a nice day outside. A High Distinction is out of my reach so I'm basically studying my arse off for a Distinction. And there's a good chance I'll study my arse off and still only get a credit. Does this sound stupid to you? Anyone?
Bright Shiny Objects is updated with a bunch 'o recs in the usual places. Lots of House, SGA, Doctor Who, Veronica Mars and quite a few crossovers this time.
Actually, we updated weeks ago only the web monkey is having puter problems so we were holding off until they were fixed. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we're going to be fixing those problems in the near future (much sympathy
lizbee and the cat's already out of the bag so I thought I'd say, "here they all are then" and you can send your "ahmmm... the link doesn't work on this one..." complaints (I think it's just the one - and one incorrect title) to the usual place.
Also, there's a few of my recs that aren't there and a sizeable amount of stuff I've read since that is sitting in my "to rec" file - so, um, it's an update that's a little out of date.