Sep 12, 2006 22:00
Becky came into my room tonight to look at all the cds that I got for half off today. We were laughing and rocking out to some music when I saw the hair tie that she had around her wrist.
I immediately remembered that the day before I had accidently dropped it into the toilet. I washed it and everything afterwards, but still...
I don't know what the proper edicit is on stuff such as this.
So, I told her. She asked if there was poo in the toilet. I said no, but that I had just peed.
I told her how I debated just flushing it down cause I didn't want to grab it out- but I thought better of that; the toilet may have clogged.
We laughed until her eyes started burning.
She isn't too mad.
Her birthday is Saturday and I will buy her more ties... oh yes I will.