"when you're up on the rail EEEEEEEE!! and you can quote him..*spit*" lol cat

Feb 01, 2005 16:14

this weekend was homecoming. the dinner was kinda fun, since me, jesse, katie and aran were all really hyper and were spilling EVERYTHING. after dinner we went over to katie's house and watched the forgotten. aran broke the window and cut his arm open....that was pretty scary. the glass like shattered everywhere and it cut jesse on the arm, head, and hip. and aran got a humongo gash on his arm. me and katie had a little "Pact" which katie couldn't keep because aran cut his arm open. lets just say i kept up my end of the deal ; )

so lets see...today me and caitlin skipped the last few minutes of the boring history movie in 4th period and went out to luch at wendys. there was a HUGE fly on the window right next to me buzzing the whole time. i mean..this thing was HUGE!! it was the biggest fly i've ever seen. then when we got back to school we stepped out of the car and heard some kind of inspirational 80s music. i was like "what in the world is that?" and caitlin said "i think it's coming from the gym.." so we went into the gym and sure enough...mr. struwe was playing "the final countdown" to pump up the little kids playing dodgeball or something. me and caitlin had to run into the girls locker room and laugh our butts off. it was SO FUNNY!!!

dr powell is gonna give us assigned seats on the bus....stupid dr. powell.

my birthday is in 24 days! yaye!

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