jesse you tell the best stories! lol

Jan 24, 2005 17:46

this is weekend i stayed over at cats house because my parents were in atlanta. we had a lot of fun! waaaaaay too long to write in here everthing we did...

on sunday we went to caitlin's church which was really cool. we went up to the front when they were singing and mrs. ansley (our 4th grade teacher) came up to us and started praying over caitlin and she started crying, and them mrs. ansley came up and prayed over me and i started crying too! so we both were up there like..weeping our eyes out and we had no idea why. it was pretty awesome.

last night i asked jesse to tell me a story cause i was really bored...this is what he came up with....

"once upon a time there were two little red ants. the ants decided to go on a picnic. one ant said to the other 'i can't wait for the picnic! im gonna eat a sandwhich.' the other wise ant said 'i don't think thats a very good idea, because the humans might see you and smoosh you. i think we should eat the apple because the humans wont see us cause we'll blend in.' the other ant said 'the humans wont see me. im gonna eat the sandwhich anyway.' so the wise ant ate the apple and the stupid ant ate the sandwhich. after a little while the humans saw the stupid red ant on their sandwhich and smooshed him. the wise ant finished eating and walked up to the half smooshed stupid ant on the ground and said 'i told you norman!' and started walking to his ant hill. on his way to the hill a little kid saw him and smooshed him. the end."
i was like.."thats a great stopry jesse....whats the moral?" and he goes "dont taunt your dying friends." omg i laughed SO HARD that i decided to put it on here....

luv you guys!
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