Jan 11, 2006 02:17
Hey Guys,
I told you I would post today and here is my thought on tonighs eppy.I liked the eppy but I felt it was missing something but I don't know what. I loved the scean where they are talking to luke about his dubble and it being a Dolly impersnator and I like the Kirk and Luke scean I thought they where both funny.
I thought Lorelai's dress was pretty, though it did not really scream LORELAI to me. I thought Lorelai was cute when she was telling Luke the wedding planes though I felt bad that Luke did not get to help plane it. I also liked Anna but I think Luke should have been more mad at her sht did keep his kid away from him for almost 13 years and he has a right to be pissed. I am glad to see that he wants to get envolved with April. Like Luke would just walk away yah right.
Rory was alittle bitt too winny in this eppy I thought. The theroy sceen was kinda too over the top and the way she treated logan after he said I love was was alittle harsh I think. I have to agree with Lorelai on the appartment come on paris could have done way better.
I loves Mrs. Kim in tonights eppy it seems like she is really starting to see Lanes side of things and allowing Lane to be her self and express her self. I was shocked by Mrs. Kim lettting Lane drink.
I am really looking forward to next weeks eppy it looks liek a good one.
I am sorry to all of you all on my msn messanger I have not been on the computer much today basicly because I was gone most of the day and then I had my brother up so that taking up alot so.
Well I am doing now my back is killing me. Good night.
Love ya,