Mar 23, 2004 09:17
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Has anyone here ever been told they were...
It's NOT a very good feeling. . . SO who gives a shit if my grades arent so great! My report card this Sem is A, B, B, C THATS FINE. But thats not why Im average. MY FUCKIN ARTWORK is average.
This critique at the Teen Arts Festival gave my mermaid scultpure a 3 out of 5. There were 6 different things to be scored on I recived 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3. The whole reason that peice of shit got into the fair was because it WASNT AVERAGE. And basically this lady says "Try harder next time."
FUCK! I'm gonna find that lady and SHOW her "AVERAGE"
*GRR* I don't know if any of you have been told that. Imagine working SO incredibly HARD on somthing like artwork or a research paper that your up till late hours of the night or morning and getting it back while being told it could use more! MORE WHAT!? I worked on that thing till the last hour i was aloud for it to be in late! I LOVED IT. I've never worked so hard on any artwork in my LIFE. And they just wrote it down on plain paper! AVERAGE! WHAT THE FUCK!
I'll show that fuckin bitch! She's gonna see my name up on the movie screens and winning national awards for the animations IM going to create. I'll be up there recieving my Oscar and I'll make sure to include in my speech about the bitch in highschool who told me I had AVERAGE artwork. HAHA