Why Heroes is still on the air...

Mar 03, 2009 21:32

Geeks.  Yes.  I know it should seem obvious, but the truth is, this last episode only solidified this.  Namely, Alex Woolely solidifies this.

First of all, he is your average geek (I mean he works at a comic book store) with super powers.  How is this not appealing to geeks?

Second, the geeky guy always winds up with a hot girl...ok, maybe just Claire.  But lets face, she is still pretty cute despite the weave they make her ware.

Thrid, all the geeks on the show are HOT.  I mean, did you see Alex with out a shirt on?  Mary Mother of television!

Way to go Heroes.  Your writing may totally suck and make me puke a little at times, but you will ALWAYS have a fan base. 
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