Lost Conversations

Apr 15, 2008 13:58

Mandy: Gretchen! Is that you?!? I haven’t seen you in ages! How are you?
Gretchen: I’m doing really well. I just moved back to this floor, so we should be seeing a lot of each other. 
M: Well that’s a really nice unexpected surprise, unlike the resurfacing of the traitor, Michael.
G: I know!  I bet he likes his eggs scramble!
M: What does that mean?
G: Oh, wait, I mean eggs Benedict. Like the traitor…
M: Oh right. Gotcha.
G: See, I knew you would. It’s not like your some new character with the ability to talk to the dead. I mean, you totally get me.
M: Ya, and I would never make you stick a grenade in your mouth for breakfast, like Locke did to Miles. 
G: I wonder if he got lock jaw from that…
M: You mean like TMJ?
G: What does toe jam have to do with Lost. 
M: Nothing…nothing at all. Hey Gretchen, what did you think of the Oceanic six?
G: Wow, what an amazing reveal. It is so good to know that Foxy makes it off the island, even if it means that he goes to a dark place. In fact, it’s better if he goes into a depression, that way, when we finally meet by happy accident in PetsMart, I will be a glowing beacon of light which will steer him to my shores. And when he gathers me up in his arms and breathes in the sent of my hair…
M: Gretchen, have you been reading those Gena Showalter books again.
G: Maybe…
M: Gretchen, honey, remember, all good things in moderation.

lost conversation

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