It does seem quite a while ago that I went to see this with a bunch of people in costume. I completely forgot I had a couple of photos.
Here they are at my flickr. The Irina Spalko costume turned out alright. I got some fantastic soviet buttons and belt buckle from ebay and
starfirephoenix made me the most wonderful pistol holster. But now that I think of it, Did Irina ever pull out a gun from it? She used the rapier quite often, but I don't remember her ever using her own gun!
The outfit had a bit of a negative impact on me and I got a bit too much into character when I exploded at some guy for stealing our carpark spot. David was about to reverse into the spot that we had just waited several minutes for when a car swoops in and takes it. I got out of David's car and stood at this guy's window screaming at him for several minutes until David got out and politely apologised for my outburst and explained the situation. The guy actually surrendered the park to us. It was a park right in front of the Cinema so it was worth it. David and I decided we made the perfect tag-team and if it hadn't happened like that we wouldn't have gotten the guy to give us the park! I was still rather embarrassed afterwards.
Unfortunately the wig was much too tight and I developed a rather nasty migraine while watching the film. I felt quite ill afterwards and so faint that I had to sit down for a spell
Oh... yeah... The film was OK. I was disappointed as I was led to believe by Mister Spielberg himself that he was going old school with the making of this film and would be using CGI as little as possible. Unfortunately there was way too much superfluous CGI that made the film too over-the-top in a bad way. Of course Indy films are supposed to be over-the-top, but at least in the past with regular special effects it still seemed plausible.
I loved the first third of the film (despite the aforementioned superfluous CGI) and the very final scene was just perfection. I just didn't appreciate too much of the middle and end which unfortunately were the actual guts of the film. Maybe the migraine had something to do with that though. I do want to watch it again to give it another go.