Body Language - Chapter 14 (Part 2)

Dec 07, 2012 07:19


As I reached for the doorknob of my room, Blair exited and nearly ran into me. She looked like she had been crying.

"Blair, what were you doing in my room?"

"Um… Uh… I left a book in there, so I went to get it," Blair lied, and not very well, but I gave her a break and did not call her on it.

"Oh, okay, but can I talk to you about what happened downstairs? It seems you and I are in the same boat." This is probably the only thing we have in common.

"Yes, but not out here."

"Sure, come inside," I motioned for her to enter my room.

"Okay," Blair quickly looked around before entering.

When I got in my room, I noticed Tootie's bed was nicely made, compared to Cindy's and my beds. I was still a bit miffed at Blair, since my poetry grade took a dive, thanks to her poem, which I suspect something fishy behind it. I know Blair's artistically talented, but not that talented. I also could not understand how her poem beat Cindy's poem, because Cindy's was much better. Nevertheless, I saw she was seriously upset. Her body language screamed out in emotional pain.

I sat on the edge of my bed and crossed my legs, like Eastland's resident psychologist, "So Blair, tell me what's bothering you."

Blair lowered her eyes and gave me an incredulous look. It felt like she was gauging my sincerity…or trustworthiness. She took a while to finally speak, "I know I like for everyone to think I have everything under control, but I really don't. There are times it feels like my world is crashing down around me. With so many things going on in my life, I feel like all of it is being piled on my shoulders."

I see, so her being in the closet is having an effect on her, but apparently there are other things as well.

"Does it bother you your parents are no longer together? I know it still bothers me," I admitted.

"It does. The truth is no gifts in this world can make up for a stable and happy family. I know I told you otherwise, but no money in the world can make up for family," she started to cry.

"I know Blair, I know," I sniffled. I was trying my best not to cry. I realized our religious belief was not the only thing we have in common. I grabbed a tissue from my tissue box and handed it to her. She gladly accepted it and dabbed her tears away.

"There are other things too, but I can't talk about them," Blair softly said. I already knew at least one of them, but wondered if there could be others and if one of them has something to do with Tootie's bed.

"You don't have to discuss them with me, if you're not comfortable. I understand," I reassured her.

"Thank you Molly," Blair weakly smiled.

"I have to ask you one thing. Do you know why Tootie's bed is made? She hates making her bed and Mrs. Garrett practically has to sit on her before she'll do it. It's just odd to see it all made…and so well."

I noted Blair's growing nervousness. She looked all around the room, as if she was trying to find a believable answer, besides the truth. It confirmed she made Tootie's bed. "Uh… I don't know. It was already made when I got here."

What an awful liar. I knew it wasn't made when Tootie and I left the room this morning. Tootie hasn't been back since, and I know Cindy did not make the bed. I know she made Tootie's bed, but I do not know why. Knowing Tootie, she probably has something on Blair, and I bet it is something really good, because anything less would not turn Blair into Tootie's maid.


The next day, I was at the bookstore looking for books to help me with my Christmas traditions presentation. In the poetry section, I overheard two ladies talking.

"Oh, that is one of my favorite Dickinson poems."

"No, really?"

"Yes, I absolutely love 'Beauty Crowds Me 'Til I Die'."

I knew it! I knew Blair's poem was not hers! Then, I wondered, how Mr. Bradley, our English teacher, completely missed it. I heard he entered Blair's poem in the New York State poetry competition. This makes me wonder if Allegany Teacher's College is a real college.

Now I know about the poem too, I can use it to my advantage, but I just cannot bring myself to do something like that. I have scruples, something my friend Tootie needs. I need to figure out how to stop Tootie from taking advantage of Blair.


As I walked in to the dorm, the phone rang. I quickly looked around, surprised Nancy was not glued to it, as usual.


"Is this Molly Parker?"

"Yes it is. Who's this?"

"Hello Molly, it's Abe Goldberg, the family attorney."

"Hey Abe, how it's going?"

"Great, especially after I won a two-million dollar lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company." I really admire this guy. He may be a lawyer, but he goes after the real crooks. "I called to let you know I checked Michael Petrie's references. I confirmed he is a representative of The Wilmington Modeling Agency and the company checked out. Both are legitimate."

"They are?"

"Yes, they are. Apparently, he is very well known in the world of modeling, but he's not an Advertising Executive, as stated on his card.

"Oh…," I mumbled.

"No, he is actually the C.E.O.!"

"Wow! I'll let Cindy know!" I chirped.

"Let me know what?" Cindy asked.

"Oh Cindy, I'm glad you're here. Talk to my lawyer," I handed the phone to her.

"Huh?" Cindy held the phone, but did not put it up to her ear.

"Remember the guy who gave you his card at the Harvest Fair?"

"Oh yeah! What did you find out about him?" Cindy asked.

"Speak to my lawyer, he'll tell you everything," I told her.

"Hello? This is Cindy Webster."

Cindy's body language told me she must have received the good news, because she grew very excited. "Really?"

Whatever Abe was telling Cindy, it must have been really interesting, because she was listening very intently.

"Wow!" Cindy exclaimed.

"You bet! Thanks a lot!" Cindy hung up and beamed at me.

"Well, what did he say?"

"He had VERY good news for me. Michael Petrie, the man who gave me his business card is the President of The Wilmington Modeling Agency. Both he and his company are legitimate. The Wilmington Modeling Agency is a well known and respected modeling agency in Manhattan. Some of the country's top models are signed with them." Cindy excitedly told me.

I wondered how someone who thinks models are kits sold in the local hobby store, knows about fashion models, "Is that it?"

"He suggested I talk this over with my parents before making any decisions. He said he knew a few good contract lawyers in New York City, if I needed one."

It is always good to hear some good news. Funny, I never would have thought Cindy to be the model type, but she seems very excited about it, "What are you going to do?"

She gave me a funny look and asked, "Do you think I would have to wear dresses and make-up, if I become a model?"

Oh boy… I wanted to laugh, but managed to stifle it, "Yes Cindy, you do."

She pouted and groaned, "Oh man, more dresses…" I still wanted to laugh and tell her it is part of being a female, but it would probably offend Cindy.

"This calls for a celebration! Let's get some of Mrs. Garrett's blueberry cheesecake!" I cheered.

"Yeah! Can Sue Ann join us?"

"Of course! You can bring the entire school if you want!"

Cindy chuckled, "That's great!" and ran upstairs to get her "unrequited love."

I watched her take the stairs two at a time and smiled. I was so happy for her.

While we were celebrating in the kitchen, Blair walked in. She quickly noticed the celebratory mood.

"What's going on? There seems to be a celebration going on," Blair asked, looking a bit hurt we failed to tell her about the party.

Cindy stopped shoveling cheesecake in her mouth and told her, "The Wilmington Modeling Agency wants to see me."

Blair's face blanched from shock, and quickly flared with anger. She was clearly jealous of Cindy. We ALL know Blair can be quite jealous.

"Isn't that great?" Sue Ann cheerfully asked. I could tell by the look in her eyes, she was taking delight in Blair's jealousy.

Blair did not acknowledge Sue Ann. She just continued to stare silently in anger at Cindy.

I tried to gain Blair's attention, "Do you want to join us and have some of Mrs. Garrett's amazing blueberry cheesecake?"

I think hearing Mrs. Garrett's name brought Blair out of her anger, because she looked at me and stiffly replied, "No thank you," before storming out of the kitchen. I thought I heard her crying.

Sue Ann was puzzled, "Jeez, what's wrong with her?"

Cindy sarcastically answered, "I don't know… maybe it's that time of the month for her, but who cares? Let's eat!" We continued our celebration, without another word about her.


After our celebration, we cleaned up the kitchen and I went up to my room. I saw Tootie, dressed in a neatly pressed uniform, admiring herself in the mirror. The pleats in her skirt were sharp enough to cut paper! She noticed me and smugly smiled.

"Isn't my uniform perfectly pressed? It was thanks to all the hard work I put into it," she bragged.

"I'd say more like someone else's work…"

She quickly looked at me, rather peeved, "What? I did this myself!"

"Stop lying Tootie. I know Blair ironed it for you. I also know you know Blair plagiarized her poem," I confronted her.

"Uh oh…"

"Uh oh is right! What the heck Tootie? You know how wrong it is to blackmail someone…especially a friend."

Tootie's shoulders slumped. I could see she felt ashamed. "I know it was wrong, but I couldn't resist. Having a white maid was just too much!"

After that comment, I was now beyond furious and blasted her, "Tootie! What you did was wrong! You should know better than that, especially after what your ancestors went through.

She stared at the floor in shame and moped, "Yeah, you're right…"

"You better stop taking advantage of Blair right now! You are going to go apologize to her right this instant, or else I'll tell Mrs. Garrett everything. In other words, 'you're gonna be in trouuuble!'"

"Okay, okay!"

"Come on," I demanded, grabbed her hand, and pulled her out the door.

When we got to Blair's room, she and Nancy were in there.

"Hey Blair, can we talk to you privately? You can come to our room, if you want," I said.

Nancy stood up and said, "Oh, don't worry about me. I was just leaving to call Roger anyways."

"Didn't you talk to him just an hour ago?" I asked.

"Yeah…and now it's time to talk to him again," she huffed and left. I swear she has to be Ma Bell's best customer.

"Now that Nancy's gone, what did you want to tell me?"

"Actually, Tootie wanted to tell you something," I pointed to the blackmailer.

Tootie hesitantly spoke, "I…I…I'm sorry for blackmailing you about the poem."

I saw fear in her eyes at the realization I knew about the plagiarism.

I looked at Blair and reassured her, "Don't worry about me, I won't tell anybody. Continue Tootie."

"I'm sorry for taking advantage of you. From now on, you don't have to make my bed, clean my room, and iron my uniform."

Blair stood and walked up to Tootie, "I deserved some of it, for cheating on the poetry assignment. However, I accept your apology."

They smiled at each other and Blair hugged Tootie.

After Blair released Tootie, I said, "Blair, as promised, I won't tell anybody, but Mr. Bradley and Mrs. Garrett really need to know the truth…from you," and pointed at her.

Her mouth dropped open. She began to visibly tremble and I could see the fear in her eyes. I wanted to sympathize with her, but I knew her actions could have some serious legal consequences.

"Yes, they do," Blair nervously responded.

As we headed out the door, our body language spoke volumes about all the anxiety the three of us felt. We did not know how severe Blair's punishment would be, and if Tootie was going to share any of it. Secretly, I hoped she did, because I hoped it would teach her a lesson about blackmailing others. Unfortunately, I knew Blair would not snitch on Tootie, so I contemplated letting it slip. Even though Blair tends to only look out for number one, I hope they are not too hard on her.


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