oh dont even start. class of 04 is awesome. we seriously had like 60 graduating seniors there. it was amazing. we didnt sit in the ridiculously small bleachers. anyway, i think hoover should be 8A. consider this, i cant really remember the games except the ones from the past 2 years because i just didnt care about football until my senior year. so, i can indeed speak for the past two years. and for the past two years, i know that weve royally killed yall the first half of each game. that says two things: were clearly the better team because yall literally have twice the amount of players since youre a way bigger school. so, when we put our second best players in because the others are exhausted, they arent as good and therefore the latter part of the game is us trying to hold onto our 14 point lead. IF we had liek 60 huge seniors, wed DEFINATELY win. duh. also, it means that yall run a spread offense which, liek i said, exhausts us. whatever, thats fair. also, please, be more of an actual college team. its actually ridiculous, dry ice
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i laughed out loud when i read this. then i proceeded to read it out loud to amelia in my best amanda impersonation. ha, somethings will never change. never. "there's plenty of things to get really passionate and mad about, and i just don't think high school football is one of them." by the way, i found that to be a really ironic statement. don't be a stranger. call me. i miss you
Comments 4
"there's plenty of things to get really passionate and mad about, and i just don't think high school football is one of them."
by the way, i found that to be a really ironic statement.
don't be a stranger.
call me.
i miss you
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