State funding

Jun 14, 2009 14:52

This is a sample of a phone call that one might make to representative's in Illinois. Check and see what your state budget is doing around human services. I know that not everyone wants to pay for preventive services, or they do not think it is their responsibility. The fact is that when these people aren't cared for, it does effect all of us. A child not taught what it means to be emotionally connected to others will not be emotionally connected. They will lack the empathy that tells most of the rest of us not to steal, not to threaten other's lives, or not to engage in other "blue collar" crimes. Then we end up paying for a trial, and years (at $22,000+ per year per inmate) of jail. When the same amount for three to no more than 18 years (rarely that much) could translate into a self-reliant citizen who works and pays back society for the support, love, care, and yes, money they received. The criminal justice system has a much lower rate of Correcting illegal/inappropriate behaviors. Despite the fact the it is usually the "department of corrections." These kids did not choose their circumstances, we are committed to them. Please at least request a gradual step-down in services or involvement as opposed to the wholesale chopping in half the services and support for these kids. Please see or or (all states:) for more information.

Hi, My name is ______________. I work with several families in ___________________ I am calling to request that s/he work to change the level of funding to DHS, specifically to DCFS. For selfish reasons, I do not want to lose my job, as I am sure that you can understand. For less-selfish reasons, I am very concerned about the children currently in care. The legislative body of this state has seen fit to create laws pertaining to caseloads, services, and other things to ensure the safety and well-being of children in this state. This indicates that they care about these citizens. However, at the level of funding scheduled to begin on July 1st, our children will not even be able to receive the minimum legally required protection they deserve. While children may die due to these budget cuts, I would also like to point out that the children who do not die, but who are abused and neglected may fail to assimilate into society and will have an increased chance of becoming homeless, entering into the juvenile justice program, and having children that they cannot take care of. This will lead to a greater need and dependence on society in this generation as they age. Do you guys really want to send the message “let’s save money now, and pay for the consequences later?” I wonder if that really is the better choice. I wonder if it might not it be more fiscally responsible to ensure that this generation is capable of becoming self-reliant, so that they can contribute to society later instead of staying dependent on all of us? I have some ideas about how this might work, if you would like to call me to discuss this, please feel free to call/email me at __________. Thank you, have a nice day, etc.

Thank all of you for your time. For those living in Illinois, this is the proposed income ax increase system that is supposed to cover the deficit without the cuts:


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