A lot of conversations about this have cropped up lately, so I am linking to this...
http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/9.12/aqtest.html take this test...and see where you fall...(I fall at 38)
More information at:
http://www.springerlink.com/content/k872618310261272/the complete article at:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/334226/The-AutismSpectrum-Quotient-AQ-evidence-from-Asperger-Syndromehighfunctioning-autism-males-and-females-scientists-and-mathematicians It isn't perfect, as it is self-administered; however, it might provide you with a better idea about the diverse characteristics at this end of the spectrum. It also supports Chris' statement that Asberger's is an extreme form of the "Male Brain."
If you score higher than a 32, don't worry, the only reason you need to rush out and get the diagnosis confirmed is if you feel that these characteristics are interferring in your life in some negative, detrimental, or damaging way and want your insurance company to cover treatment.