Oct 17, 2005 19:14

So lets see... IT WAS H.C. WEEK @ IKE.. THE BEST H.C. WEEK AND PEP ASM. EVER! Good job el presidento big shot kyle! So i didn't feel like going to h.c.. so i spend it with the people who are amazing. Din din everyone was dressed up and looking very nice! It was @ big al's, and i thought that there were some cute couples i must say! So, i sat by mike and sarah, adam and susie {aww they are just so cute} collenie, katelyn and keri. I had fun, lots of laughs. Then after din din me and katelyn went to blakes for a haunted hay ride and barn.
WHO ELSE WAS THERE.... THE BEST PEOPLE TO COME TO THE TWP AND SPEND TIME WITH I MUST SAY! jen, derek, jimmy, jerry and caitlin jim called her {burnie}. i'm glad that they didn't blow us off like some other people who came back..yeah Well.. 1st me and katelyn got out hayride tickets.. well then everyone else said to do both..so we did. KATELYN HAS NEVER BEEN ON A HAUNTED HAYRIDE..CAN WE SAY DEPRIBED CHILDHOOD?! jez.. well anyways. I HATE haunted houses.. i just get clastraphobic and freak out.. so it went.. derek, jen katelyn me jim, jerry and burnie.. well then order switched up... and yeah it was crazy. THEY KEPT ON SAYING YOUR GONNA DIE.. DO U WANNA DIE! .. JEZ! But it was all good! i LOVED the hayride.. i dunno i like them better. GOT SOME CIDER AND DONUTS YUMMY! ^_^ Then went to caribu to meet up with kristen..aka yellow! Bye the time we got to caribu i was 1/2 dead let me tell ya. But then being the freaking amazing bestest person that she is.. jen gave me a surprise gift.. MY WESTERN HOODY!.. WITH HELP FROM JIMMY WHO PICKED IT OUT!.. well i ordred the same one {strang} online but it was on back order. SO THEY SAVED MY BUTTS! i must say.. with the little note and surprise hoody.. one of the nicest things some1 has ever done for me! THANKS MOM I LOVE YA! say hey to kool beans for me! Well then i had to drive katelyn home...sad.. i know cuz she's my betest buddy.. H.C. 2 YEARS IN A ROW BUDDY HAHA!!!!! Next weekend we are going pumin picking! hehe! friday is sr. night and i really don't like the dance we are doing.. so i'm gonna change it.. too mcuh clapping! whatever ness! WELL I HOPE EVERYONE IS HAVING A GREAT WEKK! - much love..amanda

yeah western!

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