a get-away weekend, a baseball celebration, and the prospect of a big move

Oct 14, 2007 15:52

So here is an update for anybody who might be curious...  not sure why anyone would be, my life is not too terribly interesting these days, but I will attempt to suffice the hunger for anybody that may be looking for a fill-me-in.

So a couple weekends ago I spent the night in Windsor with Shannon. It wasnt too overwhelming I suppose. We just hung out talking, and watched a few movies. I saw a bit of the city, night and day. Very nice city it seems. I got lost going to Windsor, and coming back from Windsor, but navigating through Windsor wasn't too bad. I thought I was gunna get there fine and then get lost while in the city, but it was quite the opposite. It was a nice little get-away for me, and the car was well behaved! :D

I have been saving pretty good for our trip to Costa Rica. I am less than $100 away from booking the flights. We will likely have connecting flights in the U.S. and it will probably be an overnite flight, meaning we'll be sleeping in an airport on one of the connections. Not the most comfortable sleeping quarters, but I think it will be better than the alternative... our options were, take an afternoon flight on the Sunday and arrive that night, but we would be arriving late that night and paying for an extra night at the resort, or we could take an afternoon flight on the Sunday, take a connecting flight that doesn't leave until Monday morning, and arrive in Costa Rica on Monday afternoon, and our last option was to leave on the monday morning and get there on the monday night... I have chosen option 2. Basically, option 2 and 3 were less expensive, well option 1 and 2 gave us more time to spend IN Costa Rica. Option 2 seemed to have the best of both worlds, kinda like a compromise I suppose. Peter and I both still need to get our vaccinations. We had better get working on those.

Work is going okay. This Tuesday will be my one-year anniversary of when I started working at Star-Tek. I have a new supervisor, Mel. She is pretty nice. We have a team decorating contest. Each team was given a "music" theme and whoever decorates their bay best will win something. I don't know what the prize is, but our theme is AC-DC. I have done most of the decorating. I made a bunch of little lightning bolts and hung them up. I decorated our board to say "Team 42 is TNT, We're DYNAMITE", and I made a bunch of little "dynamite sticks" and put the names of each of the team members on one of the dynamite sticks. Then I made ou bay the "highway to hell" (thats an AC-DC song! lol). I put lines of tape down the center of our Bay to make it look like a raod ("highway"), adn then made a sign that says "HELL: Population 13" because there are 13 people on our team. Adam on our team brought in a bunch of old records and pud AC-DC on them and I hung them fashionable on the front of our Supervisor's desk. Adam also brought in an AC-DC poster to hang. so our bay is looking pretty cool. It's weird to think of me getting excited about work... ahahha.

Last night we finally had our baseball's party for winning first place in our division. It was fun (pics on facebook to prove it, and the pic attached to this update). Peter and I had a little talk though after I had a little freak-out after poker... I wasn't even playing, I was dealer (by choice). It's a long story, but basically Peter talked about how there is not really anything left here in Sarnia for him, and he wants to bring me with him but he is afraid that I will have those little freak-outs there too and stuff. After talking it out, it sounds like there is another possibility of us leaving for B.C. next summer. We both need to finish school first, and it has been a "possibility" a few other times before, but somehow if it ever happened, I don't think any of us will really be prepared for the day that it happens. We'll see.

Anyway, this was long. If you got this far, I applaud you. I'm off to do laundry. ciao.
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