Nov 13, 2006 01:38
Ah, it's monday again. Doesn't the world know that two days is not a long enough weekend? So my super-productive plan turned into a not so productive weekend... surprise, surprise...
At least it was an enjoyable weekend. Friday I went with the girls to try out the new coffee house on main street. It was nice, not as quaint nor as cozy as The Pour House, but not bad. The coffee was good. I think we might try to frequent it once a week as a way to get away from campus a little bit. It was so warm on Friday that we walked the whole way there. Winter is showing its face now, so I doubt we will be able to walk there again this semester.
On Saturday we visited Fallingwater, the house that Frank Lloyd Wright built for the Kaufmann family. The interior is gorgeous, and now I truely see why Wright is such a renowned architect. His design is carried out into the last detail of the house. And my photography professor was right.. the art collection in the house is amazing. On the way back we stopped at Pizza Hut for some lunch. Yay for Hall Council who actually made this trip happen and paid for our lunch!
In the evening, Nicole and Lauren accompanied me to the darkroom. It was a semi-disappointing trip, as only one of my rolls of film turned out.
Today was supposed to be my work day... and I did work a good deal in the darkroom... but that's about all I did. Oh well. I guess that's all I had to say for now. Just thought I'd throw in a post so people know I'm still alive and well.
Nighty night.