
Oct 05, 2004 13:22

Me and Robert broke up today...well..at first I was really sad but, I'll be ok!! Let me just let u all know somethin....GIRLS CRY WHEN THEY GET PISSED OFF!!! so shut up about it!! I am soo tired of people...first off it is on someones abouts..it really isn't that big of a deal!! another thing..u must want something to fight about b/c u read it everyday!! and another thing...well...this is to Chelsey...u were the same way with Ryan...if a girl glanced at him u wanted to kick her butt...but, by what Coffeys says u grab his butt...and u tell him that u love him and all of this crap....u went of went off if someone did that to Ryan when u guys were datin...!!! If u don't want Coffey why do u try so hard to get him...if u would leave him alone..there wouldn't be a problem!!! People just don't get it....u are not what makes the world go round..not every guy wants u..so get over it...and just leave it alone...!! personally I don't care what u guys think about me...and I know u don't care what I think about u...so just leave it at that....this fight is not with me but, leave Jessica alone...AND BACK OFF HER MAN!! no u know what u keep coming...but, just so u know Coffey hates u...he thinks that u are a skanky whore...(that came from his mouth)! U heard what he had to say to u last night when u told him u loved him he looked at ya and said he didn't love u and he told u to back the f*** off...so maybe u should do that!!! I am just goin to get off this topic...

*+* JeSSiCa- don't worry about it...coffey loves u and he has u a promise ring and he isn't goin anyweres..so stop worryin about it!! Me, Kelsey, Kendra, Ashley, Toniee, Coffey, Anastasia, Leslie,and Kara all have ur back!! so stop worryin so much!! LYLAS!!

*+* Kara- I hope what u and Fraley have lasts a long time..u guys make a good couple...u should know what this is about!! LOL!! lylas

*+* AsHLeY - We need to get together..we are always to busy to chill anymore...LOL! lylas

*+* KeLseY- u are my hero..LOL! hope u and Eric last a while..LYLAS..

*+* KeNdRa- "keyboarding buddy" LOL! hope u and Ethan date...LOL!! LYLAS!!


*+* to anyone who doesn't like us...its a mind of a matter..I don't mind and u don't matter!!!
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