So it's been ages since I last updated. What can I say, I'm lazy. And busy! So, a numbered update it is!
1. I just secured a new job! A well-paying one with ace benefits at that! And I start next week! Go team! \o/
2. Esteban (my old latop) is dead. Let's take a moment to mourn his passing...
Alright. That's enough of that. I have a new laptop and it's made of awesome! Thus far, however, it remains unnamed. Any suggestions?
3. I may have accidentally converted my best friends into Trekkies? Like card-carrying, completely obsessive trekkies. You see I'm a bit in love with ST XI and insisted they watch it, which they did. And then I recommended they read a few awesome Kirk/Spock reboot fics, which they did. And now they're marathoning all the old episodes and insisting I come watch The Shat's buffoonery with them. Oops.
4. OMG, SUPERNATURAL HAS EATEN MY LIFE. I don't even know what happened. A few months ago, I didn't give a shit. Now I curse the CW for forcing me through yet another hiatus, can't seem to get enough Dean/Cas fic, and feel the overwhelming urge to buy
this T-shirt (in girl's lemon yellow) just because the silhouetted figure kinda, sorta resembles Castiel:
I mean, just look at that BAMF. *stares adoringly*
... um, what was I talking about?