Jun 04, 2005 15:32
heyyyy guys. so today's saturday, last night i went to ballston with erica anna amber and allie, and met up with some people there, and saw lords of dogtown! omgomgomgomgomg<333333!!!! my love! andddd we ate at coldstone and all this junxxxx. i got starbucks instead of coldstone. so came home, chilled w/ my bro & looked at yearbooks, i have TONS of pictures to put on my computerrr! haha don't worry anna i'll send u the ones from the party. so it's good my mom is being nicer and i'm not totally grounded on the weekend! and if i make some improvements on my history project then she might give my phone back next weeeek! so tonight erica's coming over, babysitting ben again, AND ANDREW! it's going to be just like last weekend. maybe we'll make another movie, haha. this should be fun.
well i'm going to read and sleep for a little while, <33!