||Sunday|| Me nd Gracie went up ta my uncles ferr the day. VERY boring. All we did was watch Friends. But after that Gracie came back ta my house nd we watched Constantine nd Million Dollar Baby. I fell asleep tho tehe.
||Monday|| Juss chilled at home ferr a lil bit. Then my dad took me ta hang out wit Steph. Ummmm then a round 4 Nicholas came over nd we juss watched movies nd stuffff haha. Gracie nd me took him home around 8 then went ta Arynns ferr LAGUNA BEACH! Chelsea, Jessica, Arynn, Gracie nd Jenny were there s0 it was fun.
||Taday|| I think im juss gunna chill here all day. I gotta clean my room yoo its like icky nd yeeeah. Maybe ill go out nd do sum shoppin laterrr!
[WEDNESDAY] supposed ta go shoppin wiff chels nd whoever else is goin. [THURSDAY] im not doin ANYTHING lol. [FRiDAY] Gracies party!!!!