CSI: NY Fic: Starting Anew - Chapter 01 [Flack/Stella]

Jan 05, 2008 01:07


By mandy9578

Rating: FRT

Disclaimer: I do not own Flack and Stella. If I did, they would have gotten together on the show already. They belong to Anthony Zuiker, Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

Author’s Note:  I haven’t written a fic in months, so I may be a little rusty.  Real life had gotten in the way.  Plus, my muse seemed to have abandoned me and I had to rescue her, by hook or by crook.   Hahaha!   Anyway, this fic this is dedicated to my girls over at the Fiesta thread at TalkCSI.  You guys rock!  To the readers, have a happy and safe New Year.  May the New Year be better than the last.  Okay, okay, on with the show, I mean, story…

Chapter One

Don Flack, Jr. just wanted to finish his report and get the hell out of the precinct. It was New Year’s Eve for crying out loud. It had been a long day and an even longer week.  Ever since Christmas, he could feel time drag by ever so slowly.  He had been to his parents’ house for a traditional Christmas gathering with lots of relatives popping in and out.  Every year since he reached his mid-twenties, he’d hear the same thing.   He would be ribbed by his female relatives, wondering how a handsome man like him, their words and not his, is still not married to a lovely woman. He would usually shrug them off with a laugh.

But this year was different.  So much had happened this year that he couldn’t even dismiss his mother’s words to him at Christmas.  They were still reverberating in his ears, “Donnie, when are you going to bring home a nice lady for me and your Pa to meet?  Every year, you come home for Christmas alone.  You better find yourself a wife soon.  You’re not getting any younger!  I’M not getting any younger!  I want grandchildren from you!”  To which he had answered, “Believe me Ma, you and Pop will be the first to know as soon as I find the woman of my dreams!”  But to himself he had thought, “I’ve already found her.  She just doesn’t know it yet.”

For the past five years, he had spent New Year’s Eve with Mac and the rest of the team, Stella included.  However, this year, was again, different.  Danny went off with Lindsay to Montana for Christmas and they won’t be returning to New York until after the New Year.  As for Mac, he had flown to London the day after Christmas to try and work things out with Peyton.  Hawkes wanted to get away from the cold and decided to spend the New Year down in the Bahamas.  Adam begged off this year, saying he had plans with Kendall.  That just leaves him and Stella.  Stella hadn’t called him about her plans for later so that leaves him with nothing.  He could probably spend it at his apartment with a bottle of good Australian Shiraz and some pasta, in front of the TV and wait for the ball to drop in Times Square…Or he could take up his sister Allegra’s invitation and go over to her apartment for a little celebration along with her dancer friends…Or he could pick up his phone and call Stella and make plans with her for tonight.  What would it be?

After agonizing for more than five minutes, pretending to write his report, he finally worked up the courage, picked up his cell and dialed Stella’s number.  It was ringing.  Wait, what do I tell her?   Still ringing… Crap!  Just tell her the truth, his conscience told him.  Still ringing…  What if she rejects me?  What if she already has plans?  Still ringing…  We wouldn’t know until you ask, would we?  So stop being an idiot for a moment!

“Bonasera,” Stella finally answered her cell.

“Hi Stel, it’s Flack...”


A/N 2:  I know, I know, I’m evil for leaving you hanging.  Anyway, please tell me what you think.  Review and constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated.

stella bonasera, don flack jr., fanfic, flack/stella, csi: ny, fiesta

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