Randomness. And then some.

Nov 24, 2003 13:16

So yeah. As usual, I haven't written in here in a while so I have all sorts of things I would like to write about. But I'm going to try and keep it simple. I hope I can just write about what's really important to me at the moment and leave everything else for another entry that I plan on making much sooner that I seem to be doing lately.

I thought about cross-posting all the stuff I write in the communities I'm a part of in this journal, but decided against it. If you want to see, the one I tend to write in is writing_101. The Mod gives prompts and members write things based on the guidelines.


I'm really bothered by what's going on with David because he doesn't seem to want to talk to me about it. I'm starting to think he's just stringing me along. Chad suggested that I look into the validity of David's claims about things and then call him on it. I think I will do that. It's just a matter of figuring out how. I'm currently searching for info on the net. If I can't find anything, Chad has offered to help me out and look into things.

I'm going to Farmington on Wednesday to spend most of Thanksgiving weekend with my parents and brother. I'm coming back Saturday morning so that I can work that night. Many thanks to Danielle for trading shifts with me for Saturday! It's sad, but I doubt I'll miss David. Hell, I won't see him any less than I normally do, which is sad. (Amber, I think you're right about the whole making time for each other thing like you have going with Jakob).

Things in my classes are getting down to the wire. I only have one test left in Geography, one left in Music, one left in Sociology, two speeches left in Public Speaking, and a research paper in English. I'm glad, but it also means I need to take the initiative to get things going for next semester. I've decided to go take a career aptitude test at Student Services to see what career path best fits my interests and natural abilities. I just need to get it done. Then I can make an appointment with and adviser and start working toward a degree of some sort (which starts next semester now that I'm done with core curriculum).

Well then.

Nothing else I feel inclined to write about now. But then, maybe that's because there's really nothing else going on.

people, travel, life in general

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