It's been raining since 230 and it won't stop!

Nov 12, 2003 18:30

So I had a test in Geography tonight. Took me like 20 minutes to do it is all. So now I have all this time to kill before I go to Music.

Things that annoyed me recently:
1. The rain.
2. The wind.
3. Getting onto the Sociology website and not remembering the number given to me so that I could check my grades for the last three exams.
4. Insomnia despite taking a sleeping pill.
5. David's pessimism.
6. Driving all the way to Santa Fe for nothing.
7. Not knowing how to cross post entries in LJ.
8. Public Speaking class.

Things that made me happy recently:
1. Talking on the phone with the Chad.
2. Finding a really cool coffee shop called Flying Star where I can go get hot chocolate.
3. Realizing that there are only 6 weeks left in the semester.
4. Kissing David.
5. Remembering that I had more clothes stored under my bed.
6. Getting good comments about my poetry.
7. The overall knowledge that I am loved.
8. Watching "Love Actually" at the Rio 24.
9. Purchasing "Finding Nemo" on its release day.
10. Seeing Sarah Fayad in a corset. She's fabulous!

Well then. That's enough with lists I say. Now I have all this time to mess around and write things, but I don't really feel like elaborating. Yet I feel very contemplative right now. And it's funny to sit here and write about how I'm done with the lists because I keep thinking of things I want to add as I go along so I scroll back up and add more to them. Funny how that works.

Christine is coming back from a tournament tonight. She keeps coming and go so much that it's hard to keep track of. It kind of drives me nuts though because while she's gone I actually manage to keep the room clean. Then she comes back and stuff kind of gets scattered everywhere and she never takes the time to just pick things up. She like Sarah in that respect, my sister that is.

David is supposed to call me and come and see me tonight when he gets off work, but I don't know whether that will happen. He often says he will come visit me and then doesn't. Although it's understandable since he lives all the way in Santa Fe. But I never understand it when he acts this way and he was actually in Albuquerque, but then opts to just drive to Santa Fe without doing anything with me first. Of course, he does have a lot on his mind right now. The real problem is, I guess, the fact that I can sit here and justify his actions instead of confronting him about it. I guess it doesn't mean that much to me either.

Hmm... time to go to class now.

lists, life in general

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