So here I am in Farmington once again...

Oct 16, 2003 11:48

And my mom's slow ass computer actually works faster than the network at UNM tends to. Kind of disturbing/pathetic considering how new everything in the SUB is and what a fossil my mom's computer is. But yeah. Maybe it's just because it's like noon on a Thursday and most normal people are at work. God I love Fall Break.

Well then. Rachel and I are having a lazy day and Sarah is running around with her friend Kara trying to get everything working properly on her car. I'm so thankful my car is decent.

Hmm... David is so sweet/awesome/whatever. Totally twitterpated with this guy. Totally. But yeah. Why am I, the hopeless romantic that I am, not surprised in the slightest? (This is a rhetorical question, in case you're wondering). So yeah, David is turning out to be one of those guys that always calls me back. Sure, he doesn't necessarily call when he says he will, but he definitely calls the next day and that's nice. It's lovely to feel confident that if I call and leave a message it's not going to be two weeks and 5 times of me calling him before he calls back. Not that I would be that anal anyway (at least, I hope not). He also finds it to his advantage to tell me all about what he's doing all the time just to cover his own ass. It's not like I would be all controlling or anything, but he said he "wants to cover his ass" so that if I call him later and hear something in the background I'll already know exactly what he's doing. Even if he has seemingly selfish motives, one cannot help but appreciate his incessant acts of consideration at the same time. I mean, the way he puts it he makes it seem like something that benefits the both of us and I can't help but agree. Of course, I just have to take it as honesty and not start speculating about deception. Yeah, definitely not going to do that. I'm going to enjoy the euphoria of all of this as long as possible.

Today Rachel and I are planning on going to the Bagel Conspiracy for lunch. That is going to be so damn good. If we ever get around to putting ourselves together and going that is. Mom is making green chile tonight so if we don't make it over there soon it'll end up being breakfast tomorrow or something. So yeah. We are also going to go to Wal*Mart, Smiths, and the storage unit to have random shenanigans. Rachel also wants to drive around a little bit and see the Farmpit. We're going to take a picture of her by the City of Farmington sign so that she can send it back to her college buds in Farmington, Maine. Won't that be funny?

Well then, that's the news for now.

Catch ya on the flip side.

on loving, travel, friends, food

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