Apr 20, 2005 14:50
last night i listened to autechre's new album untilted, with headphones, while going to sleep. about halfway through i became so uncomfortable. such amazing music i cannot even imagine how it is made. yes. i like things that make me uncomfortable, and that's prolly why i've hung out with you. so anyways. music in more dimensions than i can speak of at this punctual moment.
i can finally read homer as he was meant to be read. my ovid class is mostly disrupted by my gang of classics gamers, interpreting the text completely out of context and with a modern mind. (why would the earth hide precious metals from us, unless she wanted us to kill ourselves?) my teacher. fresh off the boat from italy, steers the class after every paragraph talking about inbred Italian villages, and ancient landmarks now turned to tourist traps. she searches for words as you would imagine, and often uses latin adjectives while she digs her mind for the english version.
lest i appear any less in your eyes, i could never show the movies i've sat through. but chances are if you have seen it and it sucks. i have seen it at least four times.
cigarettes and wine for lunch. and instead of diving into my dictionary i'll try and write violent poetry.
i'm sorry i didn't know. if i had known it would be a different world.
}edit. just to prove i can.}