i can't see you...

Aug 16, 2004 17:41

my time in this city is growing slimmer and thiner. and my trip hasn't even hit me yet. for most of "these types of trips" i don't realize what i am doing until i'm doing it. like when i went to colorado with someone i barely knew. I didn't realize that i was driving across the country to live with someone's family or hang out all day with a bunch of strangers. and then somewhere near sanfrancisco i was like /what the fuck am i doing? but the experience was one of my favorite, in fact i couldn't really see not having a good time in the rocky mountains driving my white van 40 mph while holding on to the top like a giant surf board. but that seems like years ago...

now i'm going to a fucking giant city where i can't understand the brass knuckle hustle and a very very much smaller one where i can't understand the language.but i haven't thought much about either. i can't even manage to figure out what to take. not much i think. i'm planning on experimenting with the simplified life. (for someone with a record collection./and tied to his computer at the waist, it should be interested). i give a lot of respect to people that can live with the clothes on their backs, but i don't understand how you get into stuff that requires stuff. but then there is that person whose material possessions hold them back from doing anything at all. jeff and angela are going to sell everything they own and buy an around the world ticket that will span the next two years. that sounds great but far too bold for me, especially now. i try and put things away, but it is a lot like taking music off my ipod, cause every time i resolve to get rid of something i say to myself/ i will totally feel like listening to that next week for reals. and i never do. but when that day comes i'll be so fucking happy i kept it.

so i guess the point of this is that i'm leaving soon. just like everybody else. but i'm considering this the end of my summer, when it really isn't, but to me it is.
i think i'm having a barbeque at my house (or my parents are) on wedsnight. it should be interesting. if you want to come for food/drinks/music...heck we can even watch the olympics, then maybe let me know. that would be way cool.

ps i know bbq's are hella played out but something fun might actually happen and for them allergic to fun, you should come too.

pps also fire will be made on sauvie's far after dark. come or come later...
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