May 18, 2014 17:55
Still living around here often makes me feel like I've never really left Mainland. It's impossible to meet someone even slightly cool without that person already having an opinion of you based on what their friends have to say about you and miscommunicated information from biased parties. Everyone talks about everyone else and you can't trust anyone with anything because they'll tell someone they trust and so on and so forth until it becomes whisper down the lane. Instead of Point Diner, Denny's, and football games, we see each other at Charlie's and Greg's and Caroline's and instead of hearing things outside our lockers in B Hall, we read them on Facebook. And Bayfest is the fucking prom. And everything sucks and it really feels like sometimes we've all been labeled. We all belong to a clique. It's incestuous and creepy. These are the only people who will ever be in our lives if we choose to stay here. MRHS, Class of Infinity.
#mandtastic #mandtastiq