Sep 20, 2008 14:14
It's been a rough couple of days.
Got hit by the killer flu virus of DOOM. Yes, the killer flu virus of DOOM. Practically knocked me on my ass, actually it totally did that.
The worst thing of it all was I burst into tears on my supervisor -__- I went into work on Monday and felt so bad that I was shaking, throwing up and... crying. I don't cry easy but yes totally burst into tears on my supervisor *facepalm*
I also have to face the music on Monday because this is my second sickness, which means I am going on an action contract! -__- Bleurgh.
Deeep breaths.
Could be worse, much worse. Right? I know it isn't much to cling to but there you go! It's all I have.
Watched the first episode of the new T:SCC season 2 run and I was not disappointed, not at all. It was incredible and if the rest of the season is like that one episode then I will be a very happy T:SCC fangirl. It also has Derek Reese in the titles and I am ridiculously excited about that.
Also, SPN? The end of the new episode is what made that for me. Completely. Dean continues to rock my socks off. That's all I'm saying.
I should really eat something and do creative stuff... Right, I need to do that. Yes, totally. If only my fic muse would return to me and I could actually get these stupid half finished stories out of the way. I think it died a very slow and very painful death from which it can never return!
I have drama to talk about but maybe later?