I'd like to say a big and hearty welcome to the new souls on my flist!
I blame
purplephoenix03 for pointing me in the direction of that friending meme and
dea_liberty for corrupting me. I am on the whole a very shy retiring person (don't let the Dean muse tell you any different) so it was a big step for me to go out there and make new SPN friends.
Everybody calls me Mands, it was my first online nickname and the one that really stuck with me.
I like to think of myself as a creative person with a lot of opinions on things, even if I'm not as vocal about them as I could be. Like I said, I'm pretty damn shy. I come from a pretty unique family. The whole being born and raised in Africa thing led to a lot of moving around and a ton of life experience. My family reminds me of the family from Lilo and Stitch a lot of the time, we're broken but we're still good. I like to think I have a good appreciation of family given everything we've been through.
My mum's disabled and has been since the age of about four when she caught Polio but she's strong and completely independent. Something I admire. My brother's older than me by six years and we've hated one another - loved one another - hated one another and gone right back to loving one another. All in all, we have a good relationship even if at timea I want to kill him. But who doesn't want to kill their sibling every so often?
I'm a HUGE fan of SPN and have been since I first saw the Pilot. Dean stole my heart away completely and Sam has grown on me. I'd classify myself as a Dean-girl but I believe very strongly that the brothers just do not work without one another. Sam is Dean's anchor and Dean is Sam's one constant. I admire and respect their relationship and I enjoy reading fanfiction that explores it in every way possible. I have been known to dabble in a fanfic here and there but I tend to keep my writing minimalised to
hunters_blood and of course my GJ when the RP kicks off.
I love to write and I love to roleplay. Been doing both for as long as I can remember and they've always been my port in any storm, a wonderful escape and I've always indulged myself. There are no words to describe how antsy I get when I haven't written or played in a while.
dea_liberty is my partner in crime and she facilitates a lot of my needs and I like to think I do the same for her. She is the Sam to my Dean after all.
I work within Sainsbury's as an Administration Assistant and I am uber-responsibility girl, which can be very tiring at times. I can't say I love my job but I definitely don't hate it either. I work with some brilliant people who have something to say. Best job I've had so far and I've had a few. Uh, what else? Oh, I'm a big animal person. Got about 3 cats and a rabbit. Can't be without my pets, I physically can't. I've always had pets and had a lot more back in Africa but this is England and it's called moderation. Dammit.
I have a lot of great friends online and I look forward to engaging a lot more within the SPN fandom so I can squee and generally share my love and adoration of what I believe to be the best TV show I've seen in a very long time. I miss good shows like Farscape, Dark Angel and Firefly. I really do. But the love lives on and I have almost all of Farscape, I'm getting the last season I don't have for my next birthday present! Yay!
I should REALLY be in bed as I have a 08:00 start but I figured I'd throw something up here. I'm sure there's more I could say but my journal says it all. I tend to use my journal to express myself in ways I can't in real life so consider this your warning. Get out now if you don't like rollercoaster rides ;-)
Also just in case you'd like a reference, this is me and my Sammy at the Asylum convention:
I'm the one in the orange top!
Okay I should think about bed but please tell me about yourselves! I need something good to read before trudging out to work in a couple of hours time.